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 Lead with Barry by Barry Rigal

The common thread in each of the five deals in this set are that the final contract has been doubled. Therefore in many cases you are in possession of important information about your partner’s hand.

Sometimes doubles mean something specific, sometimes they are general expressions of optimism – and most often in the post mortem your partner will explain just what his or her double meant…

Let’s see how this set measures up – and how you measure up to it.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 4 3
 A 8 5
 7 3
 10 9 6 4 3 2
Q: 1 - As South What do you lead?
passpassdoubleall pass

 Your choice:
A: Lead the club 10; partner’s double as a preempter suggests that he has a club void -– how else could he double? Your high club is intended to be suit preference, so that you can be put back in with a heart rather than a diamond, to arrange a second ruff for your partner

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Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 A Q 10 7 4
 J 7 4
 Q 3 2
 9 8
Q: 2 - As South What do you lead?
passpassdoubleall pass

 Your choice:
A: Lead the diamond two. Declarer’s only way to score tricks here will surely be to establish some sort of cross-ruff; lead trumps to prevent this -- even at the risk of losing your trump trick.

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 A K 4
 Q 10 7 2
 9 4
 K J 5 2
Q: 3 - As South, what would you lead?
12 No-trumpsdouble3
passpassdoubleall pass

 Your choice:
A: Lead the trump nine (or four). On an auction of this sort, where dummy has shown a two suiter, and partner goes head-hunting, you often want to stop declarer ruffing dummy’s second suit in his hand.

The obvious route is therefore to lead trumps as often and as fast as you can.

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Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 7 4
 K J 7 4
 Q 9 3
 K 10 3 2
Q: 4 - As South What do you lead?
pass1 No-trumpdouble2

 Your choice:
A: Lead the diamond three to justify your aggressive double.

Declarer is surely going to find real heart shortage in dummy and he will need to try to ruff hearts so try to prevent him from doing that as quickly as possible, even at the possible cost of a trump trick.

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Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 J 4
 A Q 9 7 3 2
 9 4
 J 5 2
Q: 5 - As South What do you lead?
pass4doubleall pass

 Your choice:
A: 9 - Did you lead the heart ace?

This was the only lead to let through the game at the table, declarer having a Yarboro bar the heart king.

Look at the action; partner doubled four spades as a passed hand without a trump stack. Could he do that with the heart king (a card he KNOWS will be wasted on defense)?

You can bet your sweet bippy that card is to your right! Lead your doubleton diamond and defend passively.

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