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 Lead problem from real play by David Bird

As always, you will be South - on lead against a contract played by East. The deals all come from the recent Slava Cup in Moscow.

I was lucky enough to be invited there, to the historic Metropol Hotel.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 J 6 2
 9 8 6 5 2
 K Q 9 6
Q: 1 - You are on Table 1, where the pairs with the highest scores face each other: Gromov (Russia) against Marashev (Bulgaria). What will you lead against 3?
All Pass

East has shown 4 spades and 5 diamonds (weak).

 Your choice:
A: Russia's Dubinin chose to lead the A and this was the lay-out:

                     9 8 5 3
                     A 10 4
                     K Q 8 5 3

A 4                                 K Q 10 7
K Q 7 3                       J
A J 2                             8 7 5 4 3
J 9 7 2                        10 6 4

                     J 6 2
                     9 8 6 5 2
                     K Q 9 6

The A was the only lead to beat the contract. South switched to a heart, allowing North to win and cash two more club winners. A fourth round of clubs was ruffed with the 8, overruffed with the 9, and two subsequent trump tricks (declarer cashed the A on the first round) put the contract two down.

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Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 A 6 5 4
 Q 8
 K 6 5 3
 8 6 3
Q: 2 - What will you lead against 5?
All Pass

 Your choice:
A: 3. Baskan made the natural lead of the A and this was the full deal:

                     K J 9 8 3 2
                     5 3
                     K Q 9 5 4

Q 7                               10
A 10 6 4                         K J 9 7 2
A Q J 7 4 2                  10 9 8
J                                   A 10 7 2

                     A 6 5 4
                     Q 8
                     K 6 5 3
                     8 6 3

Baskan switched to a diamond, giving his partner one ruff. Declarer ruffed the next round of spades and drew trumps, making the contract. As you see, a diamond lead and a spade switch for a second diamond ruff would have beaten the contract. This was difficult to find. Perhaps North should have made a Lightner Double of the contract, asking for an unusual lead. Because North had pre-empted, even a double of a 5-level contract should be treated as Lightner.

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 10 7 6 3
 Q 3
 A 10 6 4 2
 J 5
Q: 3 - Sliva (Russia) faced Baldursson (Iceland). What will you lead against 6NT?
All Pass

East has shown a very strong hand (around 25 points).

 Your choice:
A: 3. Against 6NT you should look for a safe lead. Baldursson led the 3 and this proved to be safe, with dummy holding K-Q-5-4-3 opposite declarer's A-J. Declarer eventually took a heart finesse with his A-K-J-x and the Q was the setting trick.

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Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 A J
 Q J 3 2
 K Q 5 4 2
 Q 2
Q: 4 - Gromov (Russia) faces Semenov (Russia) on Table 1. What will you lead against 5?
35All Pass

2 is the 'multi', showing a weak-two in one of the majors. North's 2 rebid says that his suit is spades.

 Your choice:
A: A. Gromov led the A and this was the lay-out:

                     K Q 9 8 4 3
                     10 6
                     J 10 9 7

10 7 2                          6 5
8 4                              A K 9 7 5
8 6 3                          A
A K 10 8 3                    J 9 7 6 4

                     A J
                     Q J 3 2
                     K Q 5 4 2
                     Q 2

The A and a second spade to North's Q allowed the K to be led. South was then able to overruff declarer and put the contract one down. On any other lead, declarer would have drawn trumps and made the contract.

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Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 K 8 6
 A J 10 6 3 2
 K Q 2
Q: 5 - What will you lead against 4 here?
All Pass

 Your choice:
A: 4. Kholomeev led the 4, which looks easily best. A very fortunate lie of the cards in fact made it impossible to beat the contract:

                     Q 9 8
                     Q J 9 7 3 2
                     J 10 5

A 9 7 2                        Q J 10 4 3
K 5 4                         7
K 6 5                          A 10 8
7 6 4                         A 9 8 3

                     K 8 6
                     A J 10 6 3 2
                     K Q 2

Declarer won North's J with the K and now neither defender could play a diamond. When a low heart was led, South rose with the A and returned the J. Declarer won in dummy and threw the 8. He then ruffed dummy's last heart and picked up the trumps with a repeated finesse. A club to the 8 lost to South's Q and the defenders could not prevent declarer from setting up the 13th club for a diamond discard. A diamond ruff in dummy then brought the 10th trick.

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