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 Learn to Snowboard Month by Marti Ronemus

Snowboarding! The closest we can come to flying without wings. The flips, the speed, the turns, being upside-down... all with nothing to hang on to. AND! We've got a whole month to learn how.

What, you say? Why not just jump off a cliff and be done with it? For most of us, we like getting our excitement from something a little less death-defying-- maybe trying a new convention.

So, how about some bidding, followed by a nice slam contract. Will that be enough excitement for you today? Good!

Question 1

  Your Hand
 A K J 9 5 4
 Q 10 2
 K 3
 J 6
Q: 1 - South:

 Your choice:
A: 2: We have a bit of a problem with this hand. Pard's hand could be as much as a very nice 15-ish. Any rebid of Spades by us is limiting and non-forcing. We might want to be in a slam, we might want to be in No-trump... we need more information. We can get it by bidding the fourth suit. This can be played as a convention with gadgets, or it can just be common sense. Pard will know that if we HAD the 4th suit, we'd probably bid No-trump. He'll bid again and we'll find our best place.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Bridge Boot Camps

With Marti Ronemus

2016 Boot Camp Schedule Arriving Soon!
3 New locations added
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Spend a week combining a vacation and improving your bridge game. You’ll be playing the best bridge of your life. For details and locations,

Question 2

  Your Hand
 Q 8 7
 A Q 9 7 4
 A K J 7
Q: 2 - South:
2Pass2 No-trumpPass

 Your choice:
A: 3: Pard's rebid of 2 No-trump shows 10-12 points and with our chubby 16-plus, we certainly have game. We can bid 3 No-trump and worry about the Spades, or we can give delayed support for Pard's Hearts just in case Pard holds five. Bidding 3 is forcing and we'll end up either in a Heart or No-trump game.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 10 9 7 6
 A Q 9 5 4
 8 6 5
Q: 3 - South:

 Your choice:
A: Pass: We would have bid 1 No-trump. Now though, we can't bid 2 as our hand is too weak. We can't redouble. Ditto. We can't bid Spades because of the Double. A pass is perfect. If Pard wants to get on that snowboard and take action, he can.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 J 7 6
 A 10 4 3
 A Q 10 5 2
Q: 4 - South:

 Your choice:
A: Pass: Pard opened so it's very possible we belong in game. 2 No-trump doesn't show enough points. 3 No-trump is a possibility... Double would be for takeout. Pass seems to be the best option. Pard is bound to be short in Clubs so will reopen with a Double or take some action (he'll know we're marked with points). If he reopens with a double, we'll convert to penalty and have a great chance to watch these people wipe out.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 A J 4 2
 8 7
 8 7 6 5
 A 6 5
Q: 5 - South:

*Support, slam interest
**First-round control of Diamonds

 Your choice:
A: 5: We aren't in control of this down-hill race. We're not positive what Pard's hand looks like. We can't bid Spades, as that would be a shut-out. Let's go slow down this hill and show Pard our first-round Club control. He may be aiming toward a Grand Slam. Let's let him show his stuff.

And now it's time for a Slam hand. Ready? Back on the board.

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Open Question

Play this Hand

Now that you've bid five hands, let's see how your play goes.

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