"Time for a Get-Away" By Marti Ronemus
Don't miss Marti's hands below this text!
Oh, the Dog Days of August. It’s too hot to go out. The only TV channel where you’re sure you can avoid news is the Cartoon Channel. You’re still exhausted from your vacation. Nature is looking tired, too and a bit droopy. We suffer from a vague feeling of discontent. Sigh. Whine.
Well, it’s time for a little Get-Away, and we here at Vu-Bridge are your go-to gang. There’s nothing like a bridge hand to take you out of this world into another for a mini-vacation, and wait till you see what we’ve got for you.
We start with David Bird whose six hands are a real “trip.” He has two hands from an international tournament that will leave you feeling refreshed because you’ll see how even the great can fall on their faces. (We’re not alone!) He shows us a neat trick to “kill the dummy,” and examples of where common sense needs to prevail over Granny Myths.
Next: So you weren’t able to get to France this summer? We’ve got the next-best thing for you, four hands from Matthias Huberschwiller. These hands are all about setting up defensive tricks against No-trump. How about some basic counting advice? And you’ll be amazed again how listening to the bidding is often the secret. Matt also shows how a combination of magical thinking and counting are a clear path to victory. Finally, he has a true-life example of how to take advantage of the declarer’s bad decision at trick one.
And now it’s time for a brief sojourn in Great Britain, led by our own Paul Bowyer. He’s sharing his always-cogent and accessible advice. He knows we love to give the declarer a tough time, and he helps by: Showing the importance of counting Pard’s points; how to “freeze” a suit, and why we don’t play an Ace “on air.”
And for that quick trip to the shore, don’t miss Matthias’ two quizzes for us.
Finally, I’ve got two hands for your warm-up. I want you to think about Granny Maxims, and also the difference the Killer Lead can make.
Enjoy your Get-Aways, and remember we always want to hear from you, comments, ideas, anything you want.
Don't forget: if you like Marti's style, have a go with her Bridge Boot Camps. Click here to ask Marti about the schedule...