Editorial by Ben Norton
Welcome to Slams Level 1, Issue 18. There are three intriguing series for you to peruse this month. One series is from Matthias Huberschwiller, engaging you with clear and precise explanations of his educational deals. Then there’s a series from that well-known American teacher Marti Ronemus, who seamlessly infuses card play expertise with her unique take on the game, creating an enjoyable experience for her readers. Lastly we have a series made by myself based on an important card play technique that can be frequently implemented at the table - putting your opponents to the test. This will help you to become a more menacing opponent.
Furthermore you can indulge yourself with two instructive quizzes from Matthias based on a very important part of constructive bidding, raising partner. You will be asked how to get the extent of your support and the general strength of your hand across to partner in five different scenarios. Then you can implement Matthias’ advice in the ‘bid a hand’ quiz that follows.
That’s eighteen exceptional hands to put your card play skills through their paces and two enlightening quizzes to help you improve your bidding judgement. Enjoy.