Editorial by Marti Ronemus
Where Are My Mittens?
There’s a real nip in the air here in the Northeast. When I went to walk my small dogs this morning, I thought they should wear their coats (adorable!!), but I couldn’t find them. I know I put them away with my mittens… which I can’t find either. I foresee an extended closet-cleaning search.
Fall is a time of transition, changing direction, switching summer and winter clothes. It’s a time of cleaning out closets, updating our wardrobes … AND our thinking. Which of course brings us to this fascinating issue of Vu-Bridge Slams. We have a central theme today about searching for the right card, the right line of play and the perfect timing.
Let’s start our search for – dare I say – perfection with MATTHIAS HUBERSCHWILLER. His series is all about finding the best line of play. We will also learn an exciting bidding technique which enables us to find the Queen of trumps. His hands illustrate how to get rid of losers at the right time, how to make a slam with only 21 pts (talk about finding the right cards in the right place!), and how to stop in time, right on the edge of the cliff.
In addition, MATT has two quizzes for us. One is about asking for the trump Queen and the other shows a full bidding sequence.
BEN NORTON steps up next. How to find another low-point slam? This one 26 pts? Ben shows us how exciting Splinters can be, and how to use them. Also, a cue-bidding sequence helps find an unlikely slam. In play, he shows how to guard against a bad split and defend against the killer lead. Ben also shows us how the hand could have gone differently, with alternative strategies. Great stuff.
Finally, I’ve got some hands for you, with a slightly different twist. I will show you how to find victory in the junk drawer of disaster. How about a hand with the worst opening bid in history (almost)? How about a hand where you would probably go down if the opponents didn’t make an opening lead out of turn? We’ll use a variety of techniques to get us out of trouble. Should we be in trouble in the first place? Well, it happens. We lose our mittens. Fortunately there is a closet full of tricks.
So there we have it! Another issue to help you clean out your closet and your mind. The mittens will turn up eventually. Have fun and learn lots.
Don't forget: if you like Marti's style, have a go with her Bridge Boot Camps. Click here to ask Marti about the schedule...