Editorial by Marti Ronemus
Are We Ready?
If you are as big a fan of the Food Network as I am, you are in a bit of a tizzy. The Countdown to Thanksgiving is a three-week process, with checklists for shopping and cooking. The actual cooking begins three to four days ahead, with charts, graphs, lists. There are table decorations to design and execute, fancy flowers and dedicated dishes. It all makes me feel terribly inadequate. Is this a meal or the Countdown to the Mars launch?
Those Iron Chefs obviously aren’t bridge players! We know better. We have a REAL job, and it isn’t cooking. If we are trapped into hosting, we assign dishes to each person coming, or just go for a random “pot luck.” If four broccoli and cheese casseroles show up, so be it. Even better, we choose a restaurant mid-way for everyone. When we DO get trapped into cooking, we approach the dishes like a bridge hand. What should be done first? How can we coordinate so everything happens at the right time? Can we make this work?
So, with all this said, let’s get cooking. Er, playing. We’ve got our own Bridge Iron Chefs to guide us.
MATTHIAS HUBERSCHWILLER has brought the appetizers, and they are hearty enough to serve as the entire meal! All six of his hands are about the Ruffing Finesse. This is one of those skills that, like Strip and End Plays, are a lot of fun to execute. Matthias shows us how to recognize the opportunity, how to use the opponent’s bidding to take advantage, when NOT to use it. We get to practice six times. Like those dates stuffed with lemon-zest cream cheese, this cannot be resisted.
The entrée is presented by BEN NORTON. The focus of his hands is how to avoid disaster. No burnt turkeys or raw Brussels Sprouts at HIS table! He leads us through the woods to Grandmother’s house with judicious uses of ducking, recognizing the danger hand, avoiding entry problems, using a safety play, eliminating losers and using our counting skills. Playing these hands will certainly improve the chances of a successful dinner.
My offerings are the dessert course (oh, what a surprise!). It’s all about planning and timing. When should we play our trumps? How can we set up a Strip and End Play (two hands on that because I enjoy them so much!)? What suit should we play first? Can we TRUMP those losers in dummy? DUMP them in dummy? Or will we be forced to throw them on the floor and hope no one notices. Pecan pie, anyone?
And the grand finale, the fruit and cheese platter brought by Matthias. He has two quizzes for us. One is on leading to a slam, and the second a Bid-A-Hand, taking us through all the tricks to reaching the best contract.
We hate this meal to end, but sadly it has. You have all our best wishes for a truly happy Thanksgiving. Know that our Faithful Readers are high on our list of blessings.
Don't forget: if you like Marti's style, have a go with her Bridge Boot Camps. Click here to ask Marti about the schedule...