Editorial by Ben Norton
Welcome to Slams Level 1, Issue 9. We have three interesting series for you this issue. Two from the talented Frenchman Matthias Huberschwiller, employing his usual clarity and precision to keep you on the right path as you traverse his educational hands. Then there’s a series from yours truly based on the useful techniques that help you to make the most of your cards in order to maximise your chances of success.
In addition we have two instructive quizzes from Matthias to address the important question of how to handle strong hands – when to open at the one-level instead of the two-level, how to respond to partner’s strong opening and how to evaluate one-suited and two-suited hands. Then you can implement Matthias’ insights in the usual ‘bid a hand’ quiz.
That’s eighteen top-notch deals to test your card play prowess and two illuminating quizzes to aid you on the road to more effective bidding judgement. What’s not to love?