Q: 5 - Does a trump lead call out to you?
South | West | North | East |
- | - | 1♠ | 3♥ |
Double | Pass | Pass | Pass |
A: No. Your opponents have shown no sign of a fit, therefore there’s more to lose than to gain by leading a trump, you’ll just be doing declarer’s work for him by picking up partner’s stray Heart honors. It’s most likely best to just lead partner’s suit, that way you might be able to force declarer to lose trump control.
When you’re on lead against a Doubled partscore it’s right more often than not to lead a trump, but be careful. If your opponents don’t have a trump fit then leading a trump is unlikely to do any good, instead it might just help declarer. It’s when your opponents have a fit or your long trumps are solid that you should lead trumps, to stop declarer from scoring ruffs either in the short hand or by eloping with the long hand. Remember, the defender who chose to penalise the opponents, either by Passing a take/out Double or by making a penalty Double, should have good (and often long) trumps and his side should not only have the balance of power, but they most likely won’t have a fit either. Keep this in mind when you’re on lead.
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