Defensive signaling can be very helpful. Used correctly the different types of signals can light the way for a defender, as long as both players are on the same wavelength. All partnerships should discuss their carding methods, but here are some basics that you will be using for this quiz, when signaling on partner’s opening lead:
- the lead of an Ace or Queen asks for attitude (high-low encourages)
- the lead of a King asks for count against suit contracts (high-low shows an even number)
- the lead of a King asks for count or unblock against No-trump contracts (high-low shows an even number and partner will unblock an honor if he has one)
- the lead of a Queen asks for attitude against No-trump contracts, and you could have the King
In this quiz you’ll only see your Spade holding on each deal, and you’ll either be leading against 3NT or 4♥. As South see if you can work out which signal you want from partner, then pick out the best honor to lead.