Your Hand
♠ 8 6 5 3 2
♥ K 8
♦ 8 7 4
♣ 10 6 2 |
Q: 4 - Another slam. Time to make a plan.
♥ promised five cards in each major
South | West | North | East |
- | 1NT | Pass | 2♥ |
Pass | 2♠ | Pass | 3♥* |
Pass | 4♣ | Pass | 6♥ |
All pass | | | |
A: ♠2. Your chances of setting up and cashing a trick in one of the minors are small seeing as declarer is short in those suits. You should pave the way to give partner a Spade ruff instead.
Partner has at most one Spade (West must have two for his No-trump opening). Thus, if the ♥A is on your right, you’ll be able to score the ♥K and give partner a ruff when he has three trumps. Even if the ♥A is in dummy, you might succeed by way of a little trickery.
Declarer doesn’t know you have the long Spades. By kicking off with the ♠2, you make it look as though you have the singleton Spade. Declarer may then spurn the winning trump finesse and after taking your ♥K, you’ll be able to deliver a Spade ruff to defeat a bewildered declarer.
This lead was found by fellow Vu-Bridge writer Paul Bowyer and declarer did reject the Heart finesse, but when Paul won the ♥K and played a Spade, yours truly didn’t have the wit to ruff it. Yes, declarer had six trumps!
Your result so far: