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 Leads to avoid against a suit contract by linda j green

There are so many rules about leads to avoid against a suit contract that we can get dizzy. However, listening to the bidding is an enormous help when making decisions.

Let us look at various hands to use the process of elimination when leading against a suit contract.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 9 7 6
 J 8 7 6
 5 3
 A Q 6 5
Q: 1 - As South what suit do you lead?

 Your choice:
A: 6 - Why do we lead a trump? They have bid 3 suits. This looks like they may want to ruff their side suits. We avoid leading the A without the king even though it is the unbid suit. We avoid leading a doubleton in their suit.

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2018 Canadian Rockies by Rail with Linda J. Green
World Olympic & International Player

Randall Baron Bridge Travel
The Canadian Rockies by Rail: April 30 - May 11, 2018

Join Randy Baron and Linda Green for a fun-filled sightseeing and bridge holiday through the Canadian Rockies

For more details please click here.

Question 2

  Your Hand
 Q J 6
 J 9 7
 8 4
 A 8 7 6 2
Q: 2 - As South which suit do you lead?

 Your choice:
A: Q - Avoid leading an unsupported Ace, Aces without the King.

Avoid leading a trump from a Jack, if partner has the Queen you have picked up the whole trump suit, without the loss of a trick in that suit. Leading top of touching honors helps partner to know that you have the Jack.

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Question 3

  Your Hand
 9 5 4
 Q J 10 5
 8 7
 A K 6 2
Q: 3 - As South what suit do you lead?

 Your choice:
A: A - When holding an outside AK, lead the top of the sequence to look at dummy and tell partner where your values are.

Thereafter lead the 8 diamonds partner's suit. Should dummy look unattractive to lead partner's suit, you may want to continue the club suit.
Avoid leading doubletons of an unbid suit unless partner bid the suit if you have a better lead.
Exception: They bid 3 suits looking for a no trump contract and settle in a suit contract.

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Question 4

  Your Hand
 A Q 5 4
 K J 3 2
 A Q 6 5
Q: 4 - As South what suit do you lead?

 Your choice:
A: 2 - Avoid leading a singleton trump. It gives away the division of the missing cards.
Avoid leading unsupported Aces, Aces without a King.

Leading the 2 of diamonds is the only lead as we have no better alternative

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Question 5

  Your Hand
 9 7 5
 Q 3 2
 10 8 6 5 4
 7 6
Q: 5 - As South what suit do we lead?

* = strong jump shift is forcing to game. Guarantees the first suit is longer than the 2nd suit =18-19 HCP.

 Your choice:
A: 7 - Here is a weak hand. We try to find our partner who has the entries and the remainder of the points. We lead the unbid suit, showing a doubleton in anticipation that partner will develop tricks, maybe give us a club ruff.

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