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 "You Deserve a Treat Today" Resp. Majors by Marti Ronemus

Combine the Winter doldrums with unsettling times and you've got a need for comfort and distraction. Dr. Janet Sprauge tells us "Caring for your emotional self is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation." Here are some thoughts she shares.
1. Keep a "warm fuzzies" file. When you get a nice email, file it. A nice note? Ditto. On bad days, dig 'em out.
2. Assess your internet and TV diet. Is it balanced? Are you glomming onto negatives? "Purge your list. Add positive feeds."
3. And this is my favorite idea... "Snuggle and hug. These act as wonder drugs, flooding your body with endorphins. It can be a person, a cat or a dog. The act of hugging is magical to the body and soul."
And we bridge players can add another one... the distraction and pleasure of a well-bid and played hand.
Let's get started on some pleasure for today.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 9 8 7
 Q J
 J 7 4 3
 A K 8 4
Q: 1 - South:

 Your choice:
A: 3: There are two correct answers to this question. For those who've learned the Limit Raise, the correct answer is 2, because to jump to 3 would promise four trump. Those playing Limit Raises would bid Spades on their second bid. For those who DON'T play Limit Raises, the bid is 3, showing 10-12 pts and Spade support. Talk it over with Pard.

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Open Question

Bridge Boot Camps

With Marti Ronemus

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Spend a week combining a vacation and improving your bridge game. You’ll be playing the best bridge of your life. For details and locations,

Question 2

  Your Hand
 9 8
 Q J
 J 10 7 4 3
 A K 8 4
Q: 2 - South:

 Your choice:
A: 2: This is a nice easy one. With 11 HCP and 1 for distribution, we've got the cash to buy the two-level. We bid our longest suit and await further developments.

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 A 9 8
 Q J
 J 10 7 4
 A Q 8 4
Q: 3 - South:

 Your choice:
A: 2: It would seem we should just jump to game, but 1 - 4 has an entirely different meaning we'll save for another day. We still don't know Pard's holding, so we'll force him to bid again so we know the whole story. Maybe his hand is big enough to explore slam. Maybe we'll just be in game. We won't know until we hear from him again. A little rule of thumb... with a fit and an opener opposite your Pard's opening, bid something ELSE first.

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Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 A 9
 Q J 6
 J 10 7 4
 A Q 8 4
Q: 4 - South:

 Your choice:
A: 2 No-trump: When Pard opens a major and we have 13-15 pts and no interest in either major, 2 No-trump is our bid, especially with stoppers in every suit like we have here. It is forcing Pard to game, but he gets to choose where. With six-plus Spades, he'll correct to 4. Otherwise he may choose 3 No-trump. Notice WE have limited our hand first, so it's up to him.

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Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 Q J 6
 A K 10 9 7 4
 8 4 2
Q: 5 - South:

 Your choice:
A: 2: We have the point count to make a 2 No-trump bid like last hand, and it would not be incorrect. BUT!! We have a better bid available, reflecting our shape. We're showing 10-plus pts and forcing Pard to bid again. We like this better, especially without a Club stopper and a singleton Spade.

And now we're ready for a hug. Er, hand.

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Open Question

Play this Hand

Now that you've bid five hands, let's see how your play goes.

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