Your Hand
♠ A Q 10 4 2
♥ K 8
♦ 9 4
♣ 9 7 5 4 |
Q: 2 - As South, what should you bid?
South | West | North | East |
- | - | pass | pass |
? | | | |
A: 2♠: But wait! You don't have a six-card suit. How can you pre-empt? Here's why you want to. Firstly, in third seat, you want to find a bid. Secondly, you're opposite a partner who already passed, and passed hands aren't supposed to advance pre-empts. Finally, if you open at the one-level, the dam will be broken and fools will rush in (to mix metaphors). You have God's Own Suit. End this auction by forcing Them to come in at the three-level if they want it.
Your result so far: