KRISPY KREME CHALLENGE: Sponsored by North Carolina State U, this involves a 2.5 run to a local KK, eating a dozen donuts and running (?) back to the starting line. There's nothing like a hot Krispy Kreme dripping in icing, but running 2.5 miles for it? Hmmm.
And then there's the RED DRESS RUN. The Hash House Harriers bill themselves as a "drinking club with a running problem" has an annual event to raise money for a local hospital. Runners, male and female, must wear a red frock. Indescribable. This happens in Sacramento.
If that doesn't tempt you, how about this one. KONA (HI) UNDERPANTS RUN. This somehow began as a protest against the wearing of Speedos, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But then, neither does the sight of hundreds of people running in their undies. It raises a lot of money for a local hospital, though.
For those of us who prefer our exercise a little more cerebral, how about this quiz? Our subject today is competitive auctions. Appropriate, no?