The shower drain and shower head--WEEKLY!! Pillows twice a year. Fridge should be DETAILED monthly. The dishwasher and washing machine, monthly (how does one do that? I'll save it for another day).
And here I thought I was doing a fairly good job. Darn. Well, let's turn to our bidding, where we can do an even better job.
The bidding has gone Pass, Pass, and here we are... third in line. How does bidding in third seat differ from first and second, and why? What's going on here, anyway.
Either the points are fairly evenly divided around the table, or fourth seat has the mother lode. Either way, now's the time to speak up.
In third seat, we open light. Not so light it floats, but we aren't going to worry too much about our point count. Shape, as always, is key. When bidding, do keep in mind that Pard is already a passed hand.
Let's try a few and see if we can clean up.