Just a couple little tidbits. UPS delivers 4.9 BILLION packages a year. Just think about that!
And, they have on-board computers to arrange their route so they don't have to make left-hand turns. Does this show political bias? No! It saves 10 MILLION gallons of gas a year, and saves the average driver 8 miles a day on his route. (My sister Lynda and I discovered what we called The Law of the Left Hand Turn when we used to do our Christmas shopping--on the last day.)
Now, bridge decisions. Should we turn left? Leave the contract in part-score? Should we bid again? In each of these examples, Pard has opened the bidding and then limited his hand to a minimum 12-14/15. It's up to us. Thinking is involved (sorry!), and judgment. Visualizing Pard's hand is key.