And in other news, in 2015 a pigeon (yes, a pigeon) was apprehended and arrested for espionage in India. It had a message stamped on its body, including a phone number for a Pakistani criminal. They couldn't hold the pigeon, however, as it seemed to elude capture as it flew the coop. (Sorry. I couldn't resist.)
So, in our ongoing efforts to keep Vu-Bridge players from Bidder's Prison, we're continuing the lesson on Balancing that we started Monday. If we Pass the auction is over. The Balancing Seat is often called The Protection Seat, which is a very good way to think of it. Pard often has a nice hand but cannot bid because of shape. Sometimes we are protecting Pard's points.
Keep in mind we have three choices: 1) Double. 2) Overcall. 3) Pass.
Let's go.