Some precautions they routinely take: All food is prepared under the eye of Naval stewards who travel with them. When the President stays in a hotel, they have an elevator repairman on stand-by. If the Prez wants pizza, it is delivered to an address near the White House so no one knows who it's for. And if you ever write to threaten the President? Use a pencil. The Secret Service has many many thousands of inks in their data base and can track where your pen came from!
And now WE need some protection. Our last quiz dealt with responding to pre-empts. But what should we do when the opponents open the bidding with a pre-empt. Should we take action?We don't want to allow them to steal from us.
What are our choices? We can overcall with a nice hand and a Darn Good Suit of our own. We can make a Take-Out Double showing an opening hand with ability to play in any suit Pard chooses. Or we can Pass, which is definitely door number three.
Let's give it a try.