BUT!! When was the first recorded pizza delivery made? 1889. Here's how it came about. King Umberto I and Queen Margherita of Italy were visiting Naples on business, and the Queen wanted a taste of "peasant food." The most famous pizza guy of the day, Raffaele Esposito, was called on to create a special pizza. He made one with fresh green basil, white mozzarella cheese, and red tomato sauce.
Naturally Umbie and Margie weren't about to drop into the local pizza shop, so Raffaele delivered it hot to the palace. It was such a hit with the royal couple that Raffie named it after the Queen. Thus the Margherita pizza was born (and you thought it was named after the drink?) and the first pizza delivery was made.
And now, while we're waiting for the pizza guy, let's review responding to pre-empts which is often a puzzle.
First of all, bridge is NOT a game of points. It is a game of tricks. This is horrible news for those of you who cling to point count as if it were the Holy Grail.
Next, statistically (and trust me on this...) a disciplined preempt is worth 5-1/2 tricks. What does that mean? Some days it takes 5, others 6. What is a disciplined preempt? A six-card suit topped with either three honors or 5 HCP in the suit, no voids, no outside majors, between 5-9 HCP with very little outside the big suit.
SO!! When your Pard preempts, you add your tricks to his 5-1/2 tricks and bid accordingly. Your tricks include: Quick tricks you can take off the top, a trick for any trump holding over eight between you, and sometimes a very nice tenace. Let's practice and this will become clear. We don't need to avoid black cats... we need tricks.