The state legislature of Massachusetts debated for two weeks in 2006 whether or not to make this the State sandwich. The motion passed.
Just because something is possible doesn't mean we should do it. Although, admit it. The temptation is there.
And temptation is always part of our lives as bridge players. We are going to be responder, today and we'll need to evaluate our hands, judging whether it's worth under- or over-bidding. We are going to be dummy, and a very important concept is in play.
We've said over and over that the main ways of getting rid of Declarer's losers (in a trump contract) are: TRUMPING losers in dummy or DUMPING losers on dummy's length. Can you see that the respect you show your hand as dummy depends on the hand's shape?
We're going to look at five hands and judge if they should be eaten or passed by. We know we CAN bid, but SHOULD we? (Maybe we can share the sandwich?)