What is surprising is how popular the (dare we say) sport has become. It has been shown on ESPN, and it has a hero, Alan "Nasty" Nash, who has won over a dozen of the competitions.
Toe Wrestling is said to be more skill than strength, and we were pleased to learn that all feet are closely inspected by a nurse before the contest begins.
I don't know about you, but I'm glad our competition involves using our minds rather than our toes.
Today, we're going to find a way to win using our heads rather than our toes by using the Law of Total Tricks. There are huge books written on The Law, but let's summarize. This isn't the whole story by any means, but mastering this much will put you ahead of the pack.
Basically, The Law says that in a competitive auction, when you have a weak hand, raising your partner's suit shows a WEAK hand, and the level you raise to shows the number of trumps in your combined hands.
In other words, with a weak hand, you're bidding the number of TRUMPS rather than the number of POINTS.
(And what do we do if we have a fit with Pard and a NICE hand? Story for another day.)
Huh? Example: Your Pard overcalls 1♥. You know Pard has at least five Hearts. You've only got 5 HCP, but you have four Hearts. You've got nine combined trumps, so you JUMP to 3♥. This shows weakness and four Hearts. You bid one trick for each trump. Let's practice and it will become clearer.