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In the bridge world, a long-standing tradition in bidding is the Limit Raise. Useful, easy.
Here's the scoop. You are responder and your Pard opened a major. You've got an intermediate hand of 10-12 points and four-card trump support. The Limit Raise enables you to tell your partner whether you are holding three card support or four.
With four-card support, we jump to three of the major: 1♥ - 3♥ says Pard, I have 10-12 points and four trump.
With three-card support, we bid another suit and then support the major fit: 1♠ - 2♣ - 2♦ (for example) - 2♠. The delayed support shows 10-12 points and THREE card support. Remember, we've already shown 10-plus points by bidding 2♣, so Pard won't think we only have 6-9.
Why is this such a nice bid? When we limit our hand to 10 - 12 points, Pard may be on the fence whether to go to game or not. Knowing there is a ninth trump may be just the information he needs.
Ready to make this bid a family tradition?