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 "Hug Your Post(wo)man" Hand Evaluation by Marti Ronemus

Here's to the person you see six days a week, and probably don't even notice -- your PostPerson. Collectively, they deliver 154,000,000,000 pieces of mail a year! Imagine! And oh, the dangers they face.

Mailboxes are filled with danger, from wasps to (honest!) a snake. They are trained to use their satchels as defensive weapons against dogs -- and sometimes drunks who don't want that cable bill. They drive vehicles that are mostly 25-30 years old.

Surprisingly, cats also present a danger. They often lie in wait to swipe that hand putting mail through the slot. Many PostPeople wear a special glove for those houses.

They are also life savers. About 25 percent of PostPeople have called 911 when they saw something wrong at one of their regular deliveries.

And they love junk mail. They call it "job security mail."

Speaking of junk mail... we as bridge players need to be able to differentiate between junk hand and good hands. Today, we're going to look at hands, deciding on their value. Our focus is going to be on "texture." Texture is the quality that makes one hand better or worse than another with the same number of points.

When we are valuing a hand, we look for honors focused in long suits rather than in short ones. We look for shape... the more, the better. We look for intermediates... a hand chock-full of "honorettes" is much better than one with wee cards.


We are going to look at hands and decide if they are better or worse than the sum of their points. In other words, should we consider upgrading or downgrading the hand. This is a little different than what we usually do. We're going to separate the junk from the checks.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 A K 10 9 2
 5 4 2
 A K 10 9
Q: 1 - Is this hand better or worse than the sum of its points? Why or why not?

 Your choice:
A: Better. We LOVE this hand! The honors are clustered in the long suits. We have a five-card Spade suit, God's own suit, and can devour the entire first bidding level with our suit. We have a fabulous second suit, and lots of shape. And we have a singleton. It doesn't get any better than this.

Your result so far:
Open Question

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Question 2

  Your Hand
 A 4 3
 K 6 5
 A 9 5 4
 K 8 5
Q: 2 - Is this hand worth more or less than the sum of its points? Why? Why not?

 Your choice:
A: Worse: Compare this to the last hand. They both have 14 high card points, but what a difference. This hand is flat, flat, flat. No honorettes. No ruffing values. Scattered honors.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 K 4 3
 K 6 5
 K 9 5 4
 K 8 5
Q: 3 - Is this hand worth more or less than the sum of its points? Why? Why not?

 Your choice:
A: Worse: We might not even open this hand. We like to open all 12 point hands, but this is the exception... flat and ace-less. Like Jerry Helms always says, "Look for reasons to bid, not excuses to pass." We're looking, we're looking, but we don't see anything exciting about this hand. As a responding hand though? We're all over it!

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 K 10 5 4
 A K J 10 6
 J 9 5 4
Q: 4 - Is this hand worth more or less than the sum of its points? Why? Why not?

 Your choice:
A: Better: Like last hand, we hold 12 points, but we LOVE this hand! Two majors, honors crammed into our long suits. Shape, shape, shape! There's a Publisher's Clearing House check in this delivery!

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 A K 5 4 3
 8 5 4 3 2
 A 9
Q: 5 - Is this hand worth more or less than the sum of its points? Why? Why not?

 Your choice:
A: Worse: What a hot mess this is. We've got a five-card Spade suit, true enough, but the singleton king... there's the worm in the apple. If it turns out that Pard bids Hearts at some time in the auction, we'll reevaluate, but for not, this hand is junk mail for sure.
Ready to play our hand?

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Open Question

Play this Hand

Now that you've bid five hands, let's see how your play goes.

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