Americans consume more than 20,000,000,000 a year. I'll Do The Math for you... that's 70 per person! There is some disagreement about how to categorize doggies. The aforementioned Nat'l Council says they deserve a category of their own, while Merriam-Webster says they are a sandwich. Whatever.
It seems each region of the US has its own defining treatment. We have Coney Island style, Mid-West Style, etc. I think my fave might be a certain Southern region, which puts some cheese in the doggie, wraps it in bacon and then pops it in the fryer till it's crisp. Drool.
And of course there is (again from the Council) ideal Hot Dog Etiquette. Preferably served on paper plates without utensils, there should be no ketsup for diners over 18 years old, no wine pairings and certainly no fresh herbs. Got that?
In bridge, we've got our own etiquette also, don't we? Today I thought we'd look at the etiquette of bids with two meanings. We're going to look at Michaels Cuebids and their responses. I love those bids that are like BOGOs (buy one, get one free) and show multiple suits.
There's a good bit of disagreement on Michaels' point count. Some say that any 2-suited hands, 7-17ish points, is eligible for Michaels. Others say that hands with 11-15 points should be bid normally, higher ranking first. For the purpose of this quiz, we'll go with Mini-Maxi.
Let's give it a whirl.