Iowa: Since 1913, it's been against the law to warm your car up. Why? Lawmakers felt that cars warming up unattended were too easy to steal.
South Carolina: If you're under 18, since 1940, you can be arrested for playing pinball.
Michigan: If you are unwed and cohabiting, there's a $1000 fine and a year in jail waiting for you. There have been repeated failed attempts to repeal this law. Really.
Texas: While Texas lawmakers have very generous policies for owning, carrying and shooting firearms, since 1973 it's been illegal to own more than six "obscene devices." One's mind is boggled.
Finally, in the Bridge World: It SHOULD be illegal to make bad opening bids. While there are no fines or jail terms, bad openers certainly earn us scorn and bad scores. Let's see what we can do about this.
Today you are the opening bidder and will need to decide whether to pass or open and WHAT to open. Seems simple, right? (You should know better by now.)