Way back in 1531, Richard Roose, a chef for a high-placed bishop, decided to "prank" the fancy dinner by adding a laxative to one dish. Turned out to kill a couple people. Roose's sentence from the courts? To be boiled to death. (This is TRUE!)
In 2012 an Australian chef made a very fancy dinner for a gathering of fellow chefs. Sadly, the mushrooms he picked for the sauté were poisonous and several of his colleagues died. Obviously he wasn't a Vu-Bridge subscriber, because we warned about this a little while ago.
Finally, the most frightening. In 2014 a very famous Chinese chef, Peng Fan fatally misjudged his ingredients. He was butchering a cobra for the soup, and a half-hour after decapitating the snake, he went to throw the head in the waste bin. It bit him!! This story is frightening on so many levels, from culinary to cautionary, that I suggest we move on to our quiz.