A couple quick points to consider: Our derrieres are the hardest working muscles in our body, and when it comes to booty, bigger might be better! (Imagine my glee when I heard that!). Physical therapist Clifford Stark says many injuries are caused by weak glutes. He also advises that strengthening the buttocks helps decrease back pain. "When a patient complains of back injury and pain, I immediately turn to the glutes."
And for those unhappy with their posteriors? Well, the newest and fastest growing area of plastic surgery is butt lifts and implants. Really? Incredible.
Well, let's settle down on our derrieres and work on something new (and credible!) to many less-experienced players.
Today we're going to talk about: The double of an artificial bid. When we hold the suit the opponents bid artificially, we have a new opportunity available.
Usually (but not always) the double of an artificial bid invites a lead in that suit. Now, if we want our Pard to lead a suit, we better have some goodies in that suit, right? Let's take a look at some examples.