Let's have some Bridge Yoga. How about moves like: Downward Club, guaranteed to amaze. The Cobra Pre-empt, a truly vicious opener. The Balancing Table, much needed. Crescent Moon Leads.
The Half-Locust and The Half-Lotus, both major suit openers. While these aren't likely to improve our bodies, we'll certainly improve our games.
Pard's overcall can inspire us to complicated moves unrivaled in traditional Yoga, especially when we've got a terrible hand. That's what we're going to deal with today.
Our main goal is to apply the Wonderbra Rule... with a minimum hand, support if you have support. With a bad hand, the level to which we raise our Pard shows the number of trumps we hold. Remember, Pard promised a five card suit when he overcalled and somewhere between 7 and 17 pts. And a key reminder -- In a competitive auction, raising our Pard's suit is the WEAKEST bid we can make.