The Queen is the only living head of state to actually have served in World War II. She was a truck driver and mechanic, and worked hard at that job. She didn't use it just as a photo op.
She paid for her wedding dress with ration coupons! It must have taken a lot of coupons, because it was a show-stopper.
Her favorite drink is gin (me too, girlfriend!), and before we think of her as out-of-date, she can be found on both Facebook and Twitter.
And speaking of royalty, let's turn our attention to the royalty of bridge hands, some slam bidding. This is not the easiest subject. We try to use point count to help, with 33 pts being the mark for a small slam, and 37 for a grand. BUT!! Bridge is a game of TRICKS, not points, and we have to be careful to remember that.
And if this is a subject that fascinates, be sure to subscribe to our Vu-Bridge Slam Hands. LOTS of help!