Joan Rivers, bless her soul, lived in a Guilded Age mansion and was haunted by the niece of J.P. Morgan. She made Joan's life miserable until she (Joan) hung a portrait of the lady and kept fresh flowers in front if it. Sting, the (IMHO, terrific) singer, lived with an unidentified ghost for quite a while. He grew to like it.
And, in one of life's little ironies, Dan Aykroyd, one of the stars of "Ghostbusters," lived in a house haunted by Mama Cass Elliot.
Personally, the only haunting in my life are the legion of ghosts of badly bid and played hands. We at Vu-Bridge want to help you reduce the number of ghosts hiding in your corners, and one big Ghostbuster is the Negative Double -- one of bridge's most useful bids.
In its purest, simplest form, it is a bid made by responder when there's been an intervening bid. If we were to name a new suit after the intervening bid, we would be promising a five-card suit. What if we only have four? We can use our Negative Double. There's a lot more to it, and dozens of variations, but let's start simple. Because we are RESPONDING, we only need 6-plus pts.