In 1943 Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann accidentally exposed himself to a new chemical which turned out to be what we now know as LSD. He was astonished at the "uninterrupted stream of fantastical images." He had a wonderful time! So much so, that two days later he tried it again, on purpose, and had the mother of all BAD trips.
So there you have it. Our bridge tie-in? If we don't want a bad trip, we should know how to respond to Pard's cuebids after we overcall.
Monday we were the Advancer, Pard of the overcaller. We learned that when the Advancer cuebids the opponent's suit, he is telling the overcaller that he has a fit, and more than 10 pts. The cuebidder is asking the Overcaller (that's US today!) to limit our hand.
If we have a minimum overcall, 7 to 11-ish points, we rebid "our" suit as cheaply as possible. 12-14-ish we invite. 15-17 we bid game. Notice that in these auctions, our response to the cuebidder is the first limiting bid.