As cuddly and adorable as they appear to be, you need to know that porcupines are NOT your friend. The second-largest rodent in North America (the beaver is largest), as we all know, is covered with lethal spears, all several-thousand of them lethal because of the barbs on the ends.
Here is a handy tip on how to remove those quills, should you be foolish enough to tangle with said porcupine. First, nip off the top. It releases pressure within the quill and loosens the barb. Then grasp the quill with pliers, and twist while removing. (If you want to see how this works, go to YouTube.)
And now that we've made it safe for you to go into the woods, let's make it safe for you to bid. We're going to look at hand evaluation. "Texture" refers to the factors that make a hand more (or less) than the sum of its points. Every hand needs to be re-evaluated in terms of texture after every bid. Ready? (And a tip of the hat to Eddie Kantar for the inspiration for this quiz. Thank you, Eddie!)