I almost passed over this day on my calendar of observances until I looked down at my keyboard and saw all the flakes, dust and heaven-knows-what stuck between the keys. Hmmm. Food for thought (pun intended).
Let's expand the spirit of this day to include the concept of taking care of all our "tools," including bidding tools. Today I want to talk about using a cuebid of the opponent's suit when your partner has overcalled.
A one-level overcall can show anywhere between 7-ish and 17-ish points. If you are the partner of the overcaller and you have a more than minimum hand with a fit, you need to know if it's 7 or 17. The cuebid is what makes overcalling with only 7 pts an exciting option. With the cuebid, we can stay out of trouble. Well, usually.
Today we're going to decide whether to cuebid or just to raise Pard. Friday we'll look at how to respond to the cuebid. Ready to brush away the crumbs?