What could be a more useless (and yet so pleasing) endeavor than building sandcastles? This is a day to celebrate the pleasure of building something just for the pleasure of the building. Process, not product.
Note however that our bidding had better have a little more stability and purpose than a sandcastle. Friday we looked at how useful a cuebid can be when Pard overcalls. We saw that since Pard's overcall can be anywhere between 7 and 17 pts, we as Advancer need a tool to differentiate between our merely having a fit with a weak hand and our having a NICE hand with a fit with the overcaller.
We saw that a cuebid response to an overcall promises a fit and 10-plus pts. The cuebid requires that we bid again showing our point count.
Today we move to the other side of the table. We overcalled and Pard cuebid, demanding to know more about our hand. Here are the responses to a cuebid. So simple. If we overcalled with a less-than-opening hand (7 to a ratty 11-ish), we rebid "our" suit at the cheapest possible level.
With 12-14 pts (a minimum opening hand) we jump one level or show something else about our hand. This is invitational over what could be the cuebidder's just 10 pts.
With 15-17 pts, we go to game. Remember, Pard's cuebid promised 10-plus pts. We have game, so bid it. Here we go...