Oh the hole left in our lives now that the football season is over. What will we do for action? Excitement? You think I'm going to say "bridge," right? Wrong.
Back in 1925 nine newspapers banded together to promote and produce the first National Spelling Bee. For edge-of-your-seat excitement, you need to watch some brilliant kid struggle with "gladiolus," last year's winning word. The National Spelling Bee is now shown on ESPN (they must be desperate in the Winter also!).
And speaking of spelling... I am always truly delighted to hear from our Faithful Readers, even when the emails start out, "You idiot!" Amazingly, never have I gotten more responses than when I misspelled "carpe diem." Mea culpa! I can ask for a cold beer in four languages, but can't spell in any of them!
So let us struggle together as we whack our way through the mysteries of bidding. It's gotta be easier than spelling.