This week in 1938 the first shopping cart rolled out the front of the Humpty Dumpty Grocery Store in Oklahoma City. This now-ubiquitous gadget is one of those Blinding Glimpses of the Obvious we can't imagine life without. One wonders how the average housewife managed to tote all that food to the cash register without one.
Today we're going to look at another gadget we just can't imagine life without also. There are people who play bridge without transfers and manage to lead long productive lives. I'm not sure how, but they do. For us, though...
Just to review. When we have a five-card or longer major (we'll deal with minors another day), we bid the suit directly below the one we hold. That way, the No-trump opener will say the suit first and the big hand hidden, which is worth a half trick.
Let's see what happens next.