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 Is it a Slam Try? by Matthias Huberschwiller

We will check out a few sequences that involve a 3-of-a-major bid.

You won't have and hands, only a bidding sequence.

For each of them, you'll have to determine if it's a weak raise, if it's an encouraging raise, or if it's a slam try.

Good luck.

Question 1

  Your Hand
Q: 1 - What is North's last bid?

 Your choice:
A: Invitational Raise - The raise of a major shows 10-12 points, four trumps, and is encouraging to go to game, but not forcing.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
Q: 2 - What is North's last bid?

 Your choice:
A: Invitational Raise - After bidding another suit, it's an invitational raise with 11-12 points, but only three trumps.

Warning: If you play 2/1, it's a slam try.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
Q: 3 - What is North's last bid?

 Your choice:
A: Slam Try - After the strong opening, showing a fit at the 3-level is encouraging partner to go to slam, and is forcing.

Should your partner have a very weak hand, he'd go directly to game, or use the second negative with a 3 bid.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
Q: 4 - What is North's last bid?

 Your choice:
A: Weak Raise - After interference raising to the three-level is a preemptive bid, showing a weak hand and 4 trumps.

With an invitational hand, you would now use the Jordan 2NT.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
Q: 5 - What is North's last bid?

 Your choice:
A: Slam Try - With your 2 bid, a reverse, you have shown at least 16 points, and your partner at least 10 with his two-level response. You are now forced to game, so 3 is encouraging to go to slam, and it's forcing.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 6

  Your Hand
Q: 6 - What is North's last bid?

 Your choice:
A: Weak Raise - This is a pure preemptive bid that does not allow you to bid again.

Should your partner want to go to slam or invite game, he'll start by bidding 2NT, to ask you for outside features.

Your result so far:
Open Question

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