Your Hand
♠ J 9 6 5
♥ 9 8
♦ A 6 3 2
♣ 9 6 2 |
Q: 3 - What do you lead as West?
South | West | North | East |
- | - | 1♠ | Pass |
1NT | Pass | 2♦ | Pass |
2♠ | Pass | 2NT | Pass |
3NT | Pass | Pass | Pass |
A: ♣9 – Spades and Diamonds are not eligible because they are your opponents’ suits and the doubleton Heart is only little encouraging because your partner has not bid the suit. So what is left are the three small Clubs.
You need to lead the ♣9, the highest of three cards, following the principle of “Top of Nothing”. Your partner will know that you have neither length nor an honour in the suit.
Your result so far: