In this quiz we will study control bids.
When a trump suit is known and you have hopes for a slam, you need to make sure that you don’t have two immediate losers in one suit.
A "control" is a holding that guarantees that you won’t lose two tricks in a suit.
There are two types of controls: Honours (Ace or King) and Shortness (singleton or void).
To ask for aces, you and your partner need to control the three suits outside trumps.
You should bid your controls "up the line".
For instance, say Spades are trumps and you are the 1st to bid a control after partner bid 3♠:
If you control the Clubs and another (higher ranked) suit you must start by bidding 4♣. On the other hand, if you bid 4♦ or 4♥ (bypassing 4♣), you say "I have Diamond (or Heart) control and I DO NOT HAVE CLUB CONTROL. Now if partner doesn't control Clubs either, he will simply return to 4♠, showing there's no hopes for slam.
To announce a control, you need to bid the suit that you control between three and four of your trump suit. You deny the control in every suit that you skip.
Let’s see some examples in this quiz, you’ll also have the occasion of applying control bids in the series that you will play.