We continue with a series on opening leads against No-trumps.
You are always South, on lead to East's contract.
There are some points to make here that may need explaining.
In general we lead the fourth-highest of our longest suit against No-Trumps but there are exceptions. We will explore these exceptions as we progress.
One of these exceptions is when leading from a poor suit (defined as a suit headed by a Nine-spot or a lower card). Here, the style is to lead a high(ish) card to say that we have no real interest in the suit.
So, the principle is that a low card shows interest in the suit ("please lead this suit back, partner") and a highish card shows little interest in the suit ("only lead this suit back if you want to, partner").
This can be summarized as "Lead LOW for LIKE and Lead HIGH for HATE".
Some players like to lead "Top of Nothing", meaning that they lead the highest card from garbage. This is not recommended for a variety of reasons – the modern style, taking hold worldwide, is to lead the second highest card from garbage.
Whatever your style is, we must emphasize that you need to discuss these matters with your partner. Here, we will stick to the style of "Fourth-highest from good suits, second-highest from bad ones".