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 Opening Leads Root 1 by Vic Quiros

This is a quiz on opening leads. You're playing IMP's, so your only objective is to beat the contract. Don't worry about overtricks or undertricks.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 10 9 8 4
 10 6 5 4 2
 A 3
 K 3
Q: 1 - You are West. Your lead?

 Your choice:
A: Best lead is the 4. Either major suit could work, but the 5-card suit has greater potential.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 Q J 10 7
 Q 6 3
 J 4
 9 8 4 2
Q: 2 - You are West. Your lead?
6NTall pass

 Your choice:
A: Best lead is a . You should go strictly passive, and a is least likely to blow a trick. A would be particularly risky, likely collapsing two stoppers into one. Visualize A9xxx or K9xxx in the dummy opposite Ax or Kx in declarer's hand and see what happens if you lead the Q.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 K J 2
 7 6
 9 8 5 3 2
 J 10 9
Q: 3 - You are West. Your lead?
3p4all pass

 Your choice:
A: Best lead is a the 2. The auction has told you that your tricks will go away on dummy's 's, so you need to get busy!

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 A 3
 J 10 9 8
 7 6 4 2
 A 8 5
Q: 4 - You are West. Your lead?
4all pass

 Your choice:
A: Best lead is the 2. The auction tells you your partner probably has at most one , so you plan to give him at least one ruff, two if she has 3 trumps. Your 2 must be a suit-preference card for 's, the lower-ranking side suit.

Your result so far:
Open Question

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