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 Across the Globe by Ben Norton

Across the Globe

Here are five opening lead problems from various online international events.

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Question 1

  Your Hand
 K Q 8
 5 4 3
 K 9 6 2
 J 10 7
Q: 1 - This auction has been nice and informative.

Pass5All pass

 Your choice:
A: 7. West would usually pass 3NT on this sequence as it’s by far the cheaper game. He must have lots of shape to carry on to 5, along with five-card Club support. In that case, declarer will be looking to score some ruffs. Lead a trump to try and prevent that, and a low one is best in case partner has a singleton honor.

A Diamond is dangerous as declarer likely has a tenace for his 3NT bid, and dummy’s shortness rates to be in Hearts, so your x x x holding in declarer's primary suit isn’t necessarily as alarming as it looks.

A trump lead did indeed limit the damage declarer could inflict with a crossruff, but only a Diamond lead would let the game through as it was.

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Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 A K 10 4
 Q 10 8 3
 K Q 10 3
Q: 2 - What will it be?

All pass

 Your choice:
A: A. Declarer could well have nine tricks on top with the aid of dummy’s Diamonds. You should look to cash quick tricks of your own, and the Spade suit offers your best chance. Lead the A to retain the lead and potentially unblock the suit when partner has five. It rarely pays to lead low off A K x x.

Partner did hold Q x x x x and an immediate Spade attack was needed. Indeed, leading a small Spade would have blocked the suit.

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 9 4 3
 Q J 8
 10 7
 10 7 6 5 3
Q: 3 - Should you just lead partner’s suit?

All pass

 Your choice:
A: Q. Playing Better Minor, 1 is frequently opened on only three cards. That’s very likely to be the case here. East will have a strong Club holding for his unilateral 3NT call, and West didn’t raise Diamonds, so is unlikely to have short Clubs.

Even if you could set up your Clubs in time, you probably wouldn't gain the lead to cash them. You should therefore look to the unbid suit, tabling the Q. This could be your one time on lead, so you had better make use of it by leading through dummy’s potential King.

The Q lead caught dummy’s King and the defense scored four tricks there along with the A K. On any other lead, dummy’s K would be protected and declarer would make the hand by playing on the pointed suits.

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Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 K 10 6
 K 7 2
 Q 4 3
 Q 8 5 2
Q: 4 - You’d prefer not to lead from this hand, but you must.

All pass

 Your choice:
A: 2. This is generally a horrible holding to lead trumps from; even if it doesn’t blow a trick, it could surrender a tempo as declarer might not finesse trumps through partner on the next round. However, the alternatives are all worse. Any side-suit lead is very hazardous.

A trump gave nothing away and declarer would have to guess very well to make the hand. A Club lead would give the suit and hand the contract over on a silver platter.

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Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 K 4 2
 A Q J 9 3
 K J 7 4
Q: 5 - Once again, you face an array of unattractive leads. Which is the least bad?

All pass

 Your choice:
A: A. A singleton trump is a bad idea, as is a King underlead. Most of the outstanding strength rates to be on your left, especially the K as West bid the suit, so perhaps your best choice is the A. This is unlikely to give anything away, and it might prove lucrative if partner is short. It’s strange that an unsupported Ace-lead is your safest option, but that is the case here.

Dummy did indeed hold the K and partner had a singleton, so the A followed by the Q would secure a ruff, then trump leads would set the game, depriving declarer of much-needed ruffs.

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