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 Opening Leads Quiz 246 by David Bird

Here are some more opening lead problems.

As always, you will be sitting South, leading to a contract played by East. The interest may be not only in the opening lead, but in the bidding and subsequent play.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 K J 7 4
 K 8 7 6 2
 K 10 4
Q: 1 - What will you lead against Brian Senior's 4 contract, in the Wroclaw world championship?
Pass4All Pass

 Your choice:
A: 6. Poland's Kwiecien did not like to lead away from a king. He decided to lead his singleton trump, and this gave nothing away.

♠  9 7 5 4 3

♥  A 6

♦  A J 10

♣  J 7 6

♠  J 10 2

♥  10 8 5 3

♦  5 3

♣  A 8 5 2

♠  6

♥  K J 7 4

♦  K 8 7 6 2

♣  K 10 4

♠  A K Q 8

♥  Q 9 2

♦  Q 9 4

♣  Q 9 3

Senior drew trumps and led the Q, picking up that suit. He continued with the A and a heart to the queen and king. South exited safely with a heart, ruffed in the dummy. Declarer now had to play clubs himself, choosing the J. North won and played a club to put the game one down.

As you can see, a heart or a club lead would have given away the contract.

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Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 A J 7 5 2
 J 8
 K 7 6
 J 8 4
Q: 2 - What will you lead against Jessica Larsson's 5 in the Wroclaw world championship?
Pass5All Pass

 Your choice:
A: J. As it happens, only a heart lead beats the game.

♠  K 10 9 8

♥  K Q 4 3 2

♦  5 4

♣  6 3

♠  Q 6 4 3

♥  A 10 7 6

♦  Q 9

♣  Q 10 7

♠  A J 7 5 2

♥  J 8

♦  K 7 6

♣  J 8 4


♥  9 5

♦  A J 10 8 3 2

♣  A K 9 5 2

North wins with the A and must return the 9. If declarer finesses, you will win and return another trump, preventing any club ruffs and beating the game. If instead declarer rises with the A, she will lose two trump tricks. At the table, a club was led and the game was made.

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 10 7
 A Q J 5
 10 8 4 3
 Q 9 7
Q: 3 - What will you lead against Levin's 4 in the Wroclaw world championship?
All Pass

West's 2 showed five spades, four hearts and fewer than 10 HCP.

 Your choice:
A: 10 Paske led the 10, giving nothing away.

♠  A Q 9 6 5

♥  10 8 3 2

♦  K 7 6

♣  6

♠  8 2

♥  K 6 4

♦  Q J 2

♣  A 8 5 4 3

♠  10 7

♥  A Q J 5

♦  10 8 4 3

♣  Q 9 7

♠  K J 4 3

♥  9 7

♦  A 9 5

♣  K J 10 2

Levin won in the dummy and played the singleton club. North correctly played low, giving declarer a guess. The J lost to the queen, and another trump was played.

A heart was played, a diamond returned, another heart played, and another diamond played back. Levin ruffed a club, but eventually had to take a ruffing finesse with the K 10. It lost to the ace for one down.

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Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 Q 9 3
 10 6 2
 8 7 6 4
 K Q 10
Q: 4 - What will you lead from Hampson's hand against this world championship 3NT?
All Pass

 Your choice:
A: 8. Hampson led the 8.

♠  K 10 6 5 4

♥  A 7 5 4

♦  J 10 3

♣  9

♠  A 8 7 2

♥  J 9 8

♦  Q 5 2

♣  7 4 3

♠  Q 9 3

♥  10 6 2

♦  8 7 6 4

♣  K Q 10

♠  J

♥  K Q 3

♦  A K 9

♣  A J 8 6 5 2

The diamond lead drew the jack, queen and ace, declarer continuing with ace and another club. Hampson then switched to the Q, covered by the king, ace and jack. Back came a spade to the nine and ten.

After cashing the K and Q, declarer had to guess whether to play a heart or a club. When he chose a club, another spade from South sunk the contract.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 9 3
 Q 8 6 2
 Q J 10 5
 A Q 5
Q: 5 - What will you lead against Zia's 4 here?
All Pass

 Your choice:
A: Q. Sprinkhuizen led the obvious Q and this was the deal:

♠  J 8 7 4

♥  A K 9 4 3

♦  A

♣  J 10 7

♠  A Q 2

♥  J 5

♦  K 7 4 3 2

♣  8 3 2

♠  9 3

♥  Q 8 6 2

♦  Q J 10 5

♣  A Q 5

♠  K 10 6 5

♥  10 7

♦  9 8 6

♣  K 9 6 4

Dummy's ace took the first trick, and Zia ran the J to the queen. All now depended on South's next play. What would you have done?

Only a trump switch defeats the contract. The diamond continuation was ruffed in the dummy and declarer finessed the 10. He ruffed a diamond in dummy and played a club to the 9 and ace.

South now had a second chance. If he plays the J, giving a ruff-and-sluff, declarer must go down whichever hand he ruffs in. North will score two trump tricks.

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