When you were taught to make honor card leads we learnt to lead the top of a sequence . When is it correct to lead an honor verses a low card lead when partner bids a suit?
a. If partner bids a suit and you hold K54 or Q54- We lead low to show 3 or 4 cards. This does not promise an honor. Length is what counts for partner.
b. If partner bids a suit and you hold K5- Lead the top to show a doubleton.
c. If partner bids a suit and you hold Ace 43- Lead the Ace in a suit contract- NEVER away from an Ace in suits.
d. If partner bids a suit in a NT contract and you hold an Ace plus two more cards A43 - Lead the low from A43. Should declarer hold Q87 we need to smother the Queen with the Ace after partner wins a King and returns the suit.