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 "Nat'l Play Your Ukulele Day" by Marti Ronemus

Did you know that ukulele music and childrens' choirs are considered among the most annoying sounds? So, trot out that ukulele from the back of the closet, and annoy some people today. Or, failing that, about annoying people (opponents!) with your outstanding play.

Here are five nifty bidding challenges and a hand. Maybe We can annoy YOU!

Question 1

  Your Hand
 4 3
 Q J 5 3 2
 K Q J 10 3
Q: 1 - As South?

 Your choice:
A: Pass: It strikes a sour note, but here's the (musical) score. You've got a great hand for a Michael's cuebid of 2, BUT!! You are opposite a passed Pard, and would be pushing him to the three-level. What if he only has a doubleton in the red suits? What about bidding 2 on our own? The suit is a little ratty, and with a bad hand (surely you didn't give anything for that singleton K) we like a better suit? What about 2? Interesting, and will give Pard a lead, but terrible habit to get into (bidding the LOWER of five-card suits?) So opposite a passed hand, vul and sure to be doubled, we are better off defending.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 8 3 2
 K 10 9 8
 A J 10 9 8 5
Q: 2 - South?

 Your choice:
A: 6: Our goal is to be annoying, and this should do it. Let's think it through. Pard has at most 1 Spade. He likely has six Diamonds. East is weak or he would have cuebid. It is VERY reasonable to expect Pard to hold the pointed aces and the K for his two-level overcall. You could have bid 5, but that would annoy no one.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 8 3 2
 K 10 9 8
 A J 10 9 8 5
Q: 3 - Let's take the same hand in a different scenario. Again, as South?
-11 No-trumpPass

 Your choice:
A: 5: With Pard overcalling 1 No-trump, we know the Hearts are covered and that we have points for game. We're picturing Pard with some wasted Heart values, and if he only has a doubleton Club, there's a chance he could get locked out of dummy in No-trump. While we hate minor suit games, this time we have a permission slip from our mother.

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 A 7 4
 7 5 4
 A Q 8 6 5
 K 5
Q: 4 - Again, South?

 Your choice:
A: 4: Speaking of irritating sounds, West's 3 bid is right up there. Before tackling that, tho', let's talk about our 2 bid. Any bid of Spades we would make would be limiting bids and could be passed. We could jump immediately to 4, but that would preclude any chance at slam. Our 2 is forcing so no worry about not reaching game. AND!! This proves good things happen to people who do things good. Pard passes the 3 bid, showing a minimum opener and nothing else to say. Now, back to us. Our K is a walking deadman, but how much credit can we give to West's bid? Sure he's got long clubs but Partner doesn't need much for us to strike 4: the only thing that would bother you is the K in West, but that'd be really unlucky. Live in the fast lane...

Your result so far:
Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 A 7
 A K J 7 2
 10 8 6
 K 5 4
Q: 5 - Ready to be super-annoying one more time? As South:

 Your choice:
A: 6: Super. Annoying! We had nothing to say over 3 with our minimum opener, but boy have things changed! Our major suit openers guarantee no losers in the majors (Pard's bidding shows five-five at least in the minors), and with our Diamond fit and the K, wow. Why Diamonds? Pard named them first.

Ready to be annoying with a hand? Go, team!

Your result so far:
Open Question

Play this Hand

Now that you've bid five hands, let's see how your play goes.

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