The fun little ditty by country singer Chris Young explains what today's quiz is all about. Pard makes a Takeout Double, and we reassure him "I Can Take It From There." And we can.
A quick review of what Pard's TOD means: 1) Shortness (no more than two cards) in the opponent's suit. 2) Four cards in any unbid major (if the opponent bid a minor, you can get away with four-three). 3) Tolerance (three cards) for any unbid suit. 4) An opening-ish hand (including distribution). The modern TOD shows a very specific hand.
When we respond to a TOD, we have two responsibilities. First, we need to pick a suit. Knowing Pard's shape (above) is a huge help. Secondly, and this is where most beginners fall down, is we need to show our point count. With 0-8ish pts, we bid as cheaply as possible. With 8-ish to 11 pts, we jump one level, and with more than that, we consider game.
So, let's Take It From There.