Has "The Simpsons" really been around since 1990? Yup. And it has been one of those shows that has entered our collective consciousness. Personally, I'm embarrassed to admit I enjoy it, and consider it one of my guilty pleasures. The sheer stupidity of the stories and characters is at the heart of its appeal.
I will eschew making a comparison between the Simpsons and some bridge games, and we'll move right on to our quiz.
Today we're going to be responder, and we'll be considering our rebids. First though, we need to talk about how, when Opener raises our major suit, he may only have three of them. Let's look at an example. Pard opens 1♦ to which we respond 1♠. He rebids 2♠, holding:
♠AJ6 ♥K984 ♦A8543 ♣4
With this hand, he really had little choice. With his minimum hand, he can't reverse into Hearts, and with his singleton Club, he doesn't like No-trump. He can't rebid the Diamonds.
This is something we need to keep in mind as we progress.