Just when you thought you had heard it all, we find an observance totally over the top. This week, cat owners and other interested people (really?!) gather at the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Silver Spring MD to learn about hairballs.
If you own a cat, you already know about hairballs. To my way of thinking, hairballs are the only negative about these wonderful, loving, schizophrenic animals. Cats practically take care of themselves, never need to be walked, adore you on THEIR terms. I think an occasional hairball is a very small price to pay for so much joy.
Unless you step on it in your bare feet in the middle of the night.
And now let's talk about our bridge hairballs... bad bids. Ready to rid yourself of yours?
(By the way, thank you Sarah, one of our Faithful Readers for making me aware of this day.)