Several months ago in our ongoing quest to expand ALL knowledge, not just bridge, we informed our Faithful Readers about some strange personal collections. Those said Faithful Readers have sent me several more I'm eager to share. They seem to want to remain anonymous, but you know who you are. Thank you.
DO NOT DISTURB SIGNS. Ranier Weichert has managed to gather 11,570 from 188 countries. One is 106 years old, from the General Brock Hotel in Canada.
FAST FOOD TOYS. Percival Lugue has 14,500 of them, and says he won't stop until his collection is complete. May he live long and prosper.
BACK SCRATCHERS. An unnamed doctor in North Carolina has over 80,000, every one different.
I saved the best for last. FOSSILIZED POOP. George Frandsen, the Indiana Jones of Poop, has 1277 prehistoric fossilized poop. Wanna bet his wife makes him keep them in the garage?
And moving on... how about we collect some more responses to No-trump openers?